Monday, October 14, 2019

Intramurals 2019

                  During September or October we celebrate Intrams.To show our skills in one play or a game like badminton, volleyball, basketball, and more. The Intramurals is very enjoyable.

                  We have our Intrams here in ISNHS and we enjoyed it even yhough it is a very tiry day. 3 days that we have celebrate Intrams. In the third day we have a funbike and zumba helps us to be fit. Intramurals provide activities for students that are fun and competitive.

                  Students get to meet new friends and become involved with programs that have limited time commitments. Sports are much interesting past time.



  1. Your blog post is quite short but it's kinda nice. Have a great day!

  2. With your skills, you will pursue what you want in life. Just keep going! Nice work!

  3. Enjoy these kind of programs in your school. They're fun!

  4. A little grammatical errors specifically on using past tense words, but the idea and the context are quiet fun to read. Keep it up on doing your blogs!

  5. Hi! Your blog is too short. Try to make it longer. But your work is good. Thanks!
